DIY - spice up your loafers!

Here's something to brighten your day darling readers! I was inspired by the sunshine this morning, and even though I wasn't able to go out and play, I played with a little something at home the whole afternoon - it literally took me the whole afternoon to finish this!
I've had this on my to-do list for a while now, with the materials ready, but I only had the time today. I'm loving how it turned out... although I'm not sure how long the colors are gunna last. I don't know if I can wear it right now, the cold season - I'll probably have to wait till the summer, the perfect time to bring them out for a walk. Also, I don't think the colors can withstand water so... er, can't wear under the rain and I'll have to be really careful not to get them wet at all.

Anyway, this DIY post is pretty much self explanatory so there's no need for me to spell out a specific set of instructions. All you have to do is be a kid and get creative - Bring out the kindergarten in you!   More photos after the jump!

Hope you guys liked this post.
Try it yourself and have fun!

Cheers, Carla


  1. You did this! They are fabulous! Love this post. You are super talented.

  2. This is so cute and I cant wait to see how you pair this in your daily wears =)

  3. These are SO awesome, I love how colourful they are :D

  4. they are so cool, amazing, thanks for sharing. :)

  5. They turned out soo cute!! You should do more posts like this (:


  6. Hey Carla, this tutorial is super cute, love how the loafers turn out, you are very creative =)

  7. these are so flipping cute now I wanna get a pair of white canvas shoes and let loose

  8. Wow, they're stunning!! Sooo cool!!:D

    Stop by some time and feel free to join my new Swarovski Giveaway:D


    Mia's Little Corner

  9. Wow you are really artistic.
    love it.
    District of Fashion

  10. Carla, this looks so easy indeed but I don't have the time to sit down and do anything artsy. Why am I part of the working class. XD

  11. Great tutorial :)

    Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;


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