Take me back to Summer Paradise

And here it is! Been waiting for this video to be ready. Thankfully, Penguin did well, and now I can let you all have a proper glimpse of our short but wonderful island escapade. Just watching this make me nostalgic. Though it was only a little less than month ago, it feels like it's been so long already... I badly want to go back. Scratch. NEED to go back. If only. But anyway, that can be arranged, even if it will surely take a while. For now I can only dwell on the memories, and with this video made much easier. I hope you enjoy this little film that my partner in crime, a.k.a. Penguin, prepared for us. And if you want to see the photos from this recent Boracay trip, you can always go through my posts here, here, here, and here

Have a great week ya'll!

P.S. Video credit goes to Penguin. All my outfit details can be found on my previous blog posts.


  1. some day i will bethere, just wonderful xDDD


  2. Ohhhhh Carla, take me there with you next time! *_*
    You guys did such an awesome job with this video, its magical. Also, great song selection :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  3. Lovely video (: I love your blog, thanks for checking out my blog (: it's very nice of you! xx


  4. LOVE your blog! Keep it up

    Twitter: twitter.co.uk/workxtine
    Instagram: xtinexoxo

    Check out my new post! xo


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