Hustle and Bustle

Photos by Pierre Elma

[Cullotes : Anna Rose][Shoes : Topshop][Vest : Monki][Top and hat : H&M]

I hate to complain but Macau has been sucking the life out of me the past few days. Ever since I got back from Manila, I have been nothing but sickly, coughing my lungs out as we speak. To think that I survived this humid and genuinely obnoxious weather for the past 20 years is a wonder. I have a history of allergy-induced asthma, you see. Dust, animal fur (which is partly why I was never allowed a pet when I was little), and humid. So you understand how living in a place that is generally humid is quite challenging for me. How did I ever?

Frankly, I have gotten better at dealing with it over the years. A good balance of well-kept medication, much needed precautions, and nasal-congestion tolerance on my part. However, I had been moving at a fast pace before and after I took a break from work that I hadn't necessarily been taking care of myself. Came the allergy attacks and I wasn't well prepared. So while I had been technically jobless, two weeks later I'm still nursing my very sick self.

The thing is, while this doesn't happen to me very often, I do think that there's a lesson to be learned. We get all so caught up in the hustle and bustle of making a living that we forget about living itself. We're not machines and we do deserve to take a breather once in a while. A refresher. More importantly, a health check. Take the time, so that when the tough gets going, we're prepared.

Stay healthy, everyone!


  1. Oh man, allergies suck, can't even begin to think what it must have felt like to live in such a humid place. Great to hear you've been bad ass and taking care of yourself, I absolutely agree on what you said. We're so concentrated on being the best, we forget to relax and be lazy bums from time to time, and actually take care of ourselves too!
    I love this ensemble, especially the cullotes. My friends are so anti cullotes, I have to show them this outfit, they'll love it!

  2. You are so right. We need to stop and smell the roses every once in a while. You look great. I hope you feel better.

  3. Well that is a very good lesson that we can all afford to listen to more often than not. I love your culottes!

  4. I really love this outfit! Those culottes are great. So chic!

  5. This is literally my life. I have the worst allergy induced asthma that leaves me heaving, spitting, and coughing! I am sorry to hear about your asthma and I hope it gets better. Manila sounds beautiful though so take in the sun for me :) Love this outfit! I haven't seen Bermuda shorts worn in such an edgy way! I love it! Feel better and have a great day!
    Olivia | Her Name Was Celebration

  6. You look awesome... so cool and pretty, and I adore the vest!
    I hope you feel better soon :o)

    All the Cute
    Latest Post: Little Red Dress

  7. Sometimes we're so busy taking care of everything else we forget the importance of taking care of ourselves! I know I've suffered from this lesson too, but glad you realize it. Hope you feel better Carla!
    Love the vest in this outfit and ooooh, such trendy capris you're sporting.

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  8. I love your style :) Beautifully shot!


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