Sydney Visuals

I'm stealing a few minutes off work to type this post because if I don't, these photos will sit here as they are for another few days and I don't want that to happen because I still have so much to share with you guys so yeah, hell with work, right? Haha.
I'm currently in Manila for another event, so to speak. But this time I'm only staying for a few days so it's all good. And yes, if you're wondering, I celebrated half of my birthday on the plane on my way here. It was pretty much the same last year when I first came down to help out on events for our company in Manila so I'm getting quite used to it. Hopefully though, this will not happen again next year. If I'm still with the company. Fingers crossed.
Anyway without further ado, here's a visual recap from our half-first day and second day in Sydney. The weather was almost always perfect since we arrived and I just loved being under the sun with the blue skies above us and the cool breeze of Spring blowing. It was just right.

During these two days, we did most of the touristy things namely the Fish Market, the Harbour via Circular Key; walked all the way to the Opera House, then had late lunch at Pancakes by the Rocks. In the afternoon we headed to manly beach, but that's for another post because I have a different set of photos for that =).
Few things I would saw based on this experience, Pancakes on the Rock is a must try. I may be biased because I personally love all kinds of pancakes but from what I heard, it's really something most people do in Sydney so g for it. The restaurant has several branches in the city but make sure to try the one by the harbour "on the rocks" to make the experience authentic. The Fish Market is pricey; if you're on a budget travel, it's not a place I would recommend for dining but otherwise, you may try it at least once. Lastly, if you'd be snacking while you walk about your way around the city, watch our for the birds as the steal food! I mean it literally - they just snap food out of people's hands so be careful.
Until my next post, ya'll!
Photos by Pierre Elma
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