Yellocard Concert | VLOG

Recently, Penguin and I went to Hong Kong to watch one of our favourite bands, Yellowcard, play live and it was just the most surreal thing ever. Even until now I still can't get over the whole experience like its my first time to watch a concert ever. But of course it isn't. I'm just so thrilled for so many reasons that if you will, allow me to explain to give you a bit of context.
So yes, this was the first time ever that I got to see Yellowcard perform live. And to make everything more dramatic (at least for me) - this concert was part of their last world tour before they disband forever. So you can just imagine how happy yet sad I am at the same time; having seen my long-time favourite band play for the first and last time.

It didn't make it any easier for me to sink it all in, the fact that they're just as good live as they are on record. And because most of the songs that they played are also from my time when I was a little rebel teenage girl in high school, screaming my lung out to punk rock songs, took me way, way back. I felt like my younger self allover again and it felt so good to remember the good old days back in the Philippines when I was in an all-girl band and much more musically-inclined than of fashion.

Anyway, Penguin and I vlogged about our excursion so you guys get to see some of the clips from the concert, and of course what we did during the day before we went full on Yellowcard fanatics. Scroll down below to watch the full video or head over to my youtube channel. Don't forget to subscribe too if you haven't already!!!
Wow! Great video!! I didn't know this band, and it sounds amazing!! You were wearing a perfect outfit for this concert. You two look great!