Manic Manila

Looks like it's all fun and games, yes? Don't be fooled. I was in Manila for work and merely leaving the compound where Chezka and I were staying at because it was just non-stop work. But despite our busy schedule, I realized it was so much more fun being with somebody than the previous times that I was here working on my own. Even though we weer practically sleepless, having each other to rant with and then laugh about everything by the end of the day made all the difference.
Oh, but there was something that I got to do that was really important to me and that is, I got to see my apartment for the very first time. Get it, "my" apartment! I have been working my ass off to pay for the downpayment for the past 2 years, and last year I finally completed the whole process and got the keys to it. But because I was so busy last year during the handover period, I didn't have time to fly down to Manila and get a first hand look at it when it was turned over. I had my cousin sign everything on my behalf just to get the paperwork out of the way.
This time around, I made a point to visit the apartment and it just felt so good to finally get a feel, touch, smell, take-in, the fruit of my damn ass hardwork. I call it my baby. It's not done yet because I bought it bare meaning which there aren't any furniture or fixtures installed, hence the lack of photos, but my next project is of course, the interiors. Baby steps, darling. Once I have enough cash with me for the whole enchilada, I'll definitely do a tour of it for you guys before I rent it out (because, no, I don't plan to live in Manila at all; it's all for investment purposes). So yeah, fingers-crossed that will be soon. Oh but I did include here, the view from the veranda which is the pool (second photo above). Wouldn't it be nice to wake up to that view? <Insert Heart-Eye Emoji>

Anyhow, Manila still Manila. Nothing really much I can say more about the trip except that I think the best part of it was me eating so much sweets. Gosh, the amount of weight that I lost last month, I pretty much just gained all of it back in 5 days. At least, that's how it felt like. Sweet tooth is back and I can't let it takeover me, not anymore. Gotta go back to healthy lifestyle.
Speaking of, I miss going to the gym. Ugh, work these days is just consuming too much of my energy. Can't really use that an excuse anymore because then I will never be able to create a work-life balance. It's just wrong.I've been giving myself a break on health stuff for a couple of weeks already, can't be abusive now. Next week, I gotta be back on track already.
Oh well, talk to you guys again soon!
The view is gorgeous! I wish I could live there haha and your top is super cute, I've also been trying to find a skirt like yours that fits me properly, hopefully this Spring is the right time.
ReplyDeleteMarta -
That pool.....!!!! Love that off the shoulder top. It's gorgeous