Occasional Pleasures

Checking in from beautiful Budva, in Montenegro! Keeping this short guys as it's way past midnight here already and I had a long day plus two days of travelling prior so I'm pretty exhausted so to speak. But I do have a lot of travel photos to share with you guys coming right up so stay tuned.
For now, here's a style post shot back in Macau the day before I flew to Rome. I had been wanting to style this long sleeves but never got around to doing so due to the weather. But these days I'm just like, screw the weather. It always messes up my wardrobe choices and it's time to take a stand so whatever, just wear it.
On that note too, the day before I wore these Y3 Qasa sneakers to work when it rained. Bad decision to screw with the weather but I feel like I'll never be able to wear them ever if I keep thinking that way. I felt really bad that these babies got rained on but at least I got to wear them out.

Okay, now let me return to my hotel room here in Montenegro and get some sleep. I have 2 days to kinda still indulge in the occasional pleasures that my job brings before work really begins. Talk to you laters!
Photos : Pierre Elma
[Top : Pleasures][Sneakers : Y3][Skirt : Zara][Bag : MCM]
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