On the Streets of Rome

Hey ya'll! Here's another set of photos from our quick layover in Rome last week before heading to where I still currently am in Budva, Montenegro.
A few hours before we flew off, Chezka and I took advantage of every minute that we had to take photos though sadly, it wasn't enough. I wish we could have stayed longer because even though this was my second time, I still feel like I never took enough photos the first time. I don't know, I guess I'm like that when I travel. Even though I've taken hundreds already, it feels like they're never enough.
On these few hours, Chezka and I also went a little overboard on the shopping street of Via dei Condotti. Don't fret, I can still survive for the rest of this trip somehow, but it's safe to say I'l be broke by the time I get back home to Macau. Let's see how it goes, haha. Can't wait to show you guys what I bought for myself, it's something quite special.

Anyhow, for this outfit I was going for a streetstyle look inspired by the beautiful architectures and arts of Roma hence the colour combination, graphic tee, and painter (kind of) hat. I always had this image in my head that when travelling to Europe, whichever city it may be, it's mandatory that one wears a statement hat, and for Rome this time around, I did.
That's all for now but the next time I check in with you guys, I'll be taking you to the beautiful islands and beaches of Montenegro! Talk to you again soon.
U look so beautiful babe in this outfit and this place looks awesome...xx, Neha