Seoul Travel VLOG Part II

Oh boy, this has been long overdue. As much as I wanted to upload the Part 2 to our Seoul Travel VLOG (which if you haven't watched yet by the way, click here), Penguin and I got caught up with work, travelling apart, and our own personal stuff that we're only picking up from where we left off with our Seoul content now. But the wait is over so that's some good news!
I included a few shots that I liked from our travel that I thought I had already published but actually not yet so here they are and of course, the video is at the bottom of this post if you could just scroll 'til the end, thanks!
Looking at these photos and rewatching the film kind of make me miss Seoul actually. Fortunately (or should I say unfortunately? well...) I'm heading back to South Korea this month, to Jeju for work once again. So yeah, you get why I might say unfortunately, haha. On the good side, I get to travel again. On the bad side, well it's work and of course I'll be making it rain again on the shopping part because you know, Korean streetwear pieces are my weakness and it's just hard to say no. But let's see.

Anyhow, I hope you like the video as much I do. Honestly, this is my favourite VLOG Penguin and I did so far. Got me inspired to create more videos despite my very hectic schedule all day, everyday, but hopefully yes, very soon I'll have more free time on my hand.
So yeah, enjoy and please give a thumbs up, and if you haven't already, subscribe!
Happy Weekend!!!
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