Cozy in Boxy Denim Jacket and Oversize Hoodie

Hello, hello! Sharing with you the last look Penguin and I shot in January before I finally move on to February content. Some of you might have seen this already if you've watched my January Lookbook video (if you haven't already, what else are you waiting for? Watch here now!)
This look is kind of my go-to when I want to look cool but at the same time remain cozy because it's been really cold out here in Macau lately and all I want to wear are hoodies and boxy jackets. I was intending to wear jeans for bottoms but last minute opted to brave the cold and just put on stockings (don't worry, I'm wearing two layers of stockings so I didn't freeze my ass off). I just think like juxtaposition of boxy tops and tight-fitting bottoms and it makes the outfit more feminine whereas if I wore straight-cut jeans instead, the outfit would lean towards tomboy style, which is also ok but I wanted to switch things up a bit because I wore jeans a lot already in this lookbook and January in particular so here we are.

In other news, I'm selling some of my pre-loved items on Facebook as I have done so previously as a way to purge my closet and make room for new ones, and I'm a little overwhelmed by the response and orders I'm getting. It's fun but honestly also tiring. I had someone wanting to meet at 9:30AM and so I woke up to get things ready (and mind you, I'm currently enjoying my time off working so I wake up really late in the day), only to have her cancel in literally the last minute. So bummed that I lost my sleep already. But anyway, I'm not complaining. It's actually quite fun, mostly the part that I took photos of the items, set them up with a nice backdrop and all... you can see for yourself and if you're interested in buying some items from my closet and is around Macau, hit this link right here; but yeah, it's also a lot of work. I've always wanted to run an online store though so consider this practice, and thinking of that, it gets me really excited.
Anyway, I leave you for now as I have to prepare some orders (typing that really makes me giddy as I feel like I do have an online store, sort of). I have plenty of content to share with you wit the recent events that I attended (you'd have seen photos already if you follow me on Instagram @misscarlaviolet); and of course a new VLOG is due before end of this week as promised for a weekly video up on the youtube channel so stay tuned you guys!
Photos by Pierre Elma
[Hoodie : Forever 21][Jacket: Vintage, Macau Vintage Market][Sneakers : NikeLab][Cap : Supreme][Bag : Furla]
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