How to Whiten Your Teeth with Carbon Coco | VIDEO

Hi ya'll! I just came back from my short weekend getaway to Manila and as can and should expect from me whenever I travel, I ate a lot again! Ya'll should already know by now if you've been following for a while, that I love food even though I struggle with trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle but you know, food is life so I gotta stay true to that while staying as healthy and fit as possible.
Keeping my health in check also goes with taking care of my teeth, and because I love to eat, then all the more reason for me to really pay attention to my dental health and hygiene. So for this entry, I partnered with Carbon Coco to show you guys how to whiten your teeth and keep your mouth fresh with their products. It's my first time hearing about Carbon Coco so honestly the products that I'm about to introduce to you are new to me too so take my advise with a grain of salt. But you know, there's really nothing wrong with trying new things and since a lot of people have been raving about Carbon Coco on social media, I figured why not give it a try as well.
Also, to spice things up a little bit, I decided to skip the photos save for these two and instead, show the products to you guys in a video which I uploaded on my youtube channel so you can head on over there or scroll to the end of this post to watch.

As you can see from the photos and the video, Carbon Coco sent over the Ultimate Carbon Kit which contains:
1. One Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish
2. One Activated Charcoal Tooth Paste
3. And One Carbon Coco Toothbrush with Bamboo Bristles
Basically, Carbon Coco uses 100% Organic Coconut Shell Activated Charcoal as the main ingredient in their products and what it does is naturally whitens and polishes teeth by removing external stains; strengthens enamel giving you stronger teeth; and detoxifies your mouth giving by killing bacteria and viruses that you might have taken in. The spearmint flavour of the toothpaste also helps give a long-lasting fresher breath. The best part about Carbon Coco is that it's 100% organic so you don't have to worry about any nasty chemical ingredients commonly used in dental products.
To find out how to use the kit, just watch the video for details!
Now, for my first impression, I honestly don't have much to say except that I think it does well for my first use. I've only used it twice so far (best used at night, by the way), and after those two times, I did feel that my teeth were more polished and my mouth refreshed. The whitening aspect only takes effect after a few uses so obviously I have to wait a few more days in order to see results, at least a week give or take. But personally, I'm not after the whitening result because my teeth are badly damaged having gone through 2 failed attempts at having my crooked teeth straightened by way of braces. The second time around, my teeth did align but the chemical that was used to glue on the brackets to my teeth left residue which I haven't got around to getting rid of professionally so even though my enamel and gums are strong and well taken care off, I feel that any teeth whitening products may not have any effect on my teeth until I have had the residue removed professionally.
But anyway, I'm hopeful. Let's see if Carbon Coco can do any better that I don't have to visit the dentist and get my teeth whitened.
Let me know if you've tried these products and what you think of them! And if you haven't but are interested, then here's the link to the Ultimate Kit. Go check it out and try for yourself!
Carbon Coco is a wonderful organic product to whiten teeth. Though messy to use, I think it is still worth a try because of its whitening qualities and would soon be recommended by the biggest names in the dental clinic scene in Makati.