The Lazy Summer Outfit + Travel Plans

And once again, the sun is out! At times like these when you never know if the sun will stay out for the whole day or not and when it's that time of time month that a girl just wants to stay in bed all day but can't, I save myself from the trouble of thinking too much on what to wear and just grab the comfiest pieces that I can find in my closet. On this particular day, I happen to see this wide-legged joggers that's been hanging among the "too dirty to be in the closet but too clean to be in the laundry" items behind my door and thought it's the perfect piece to work my lazy summer outfit around in.
I proceeded to my closet and grabbed the first item on my summer tops et voila, ready to head out. But of course, I had to spice up on accessories just to make it seem like I did put some effort. These earrings are one of the most unique pairs of hoop earrings I have, thanks to Forever 21 - I think the faux pearls pops and really just ties up the whole look together, and making it chic.

On life matters, so my travel plans are coming together and I'm seeing a clearer picture now and I'm getting really excited. More details to come, I promise, I mean, after all this blog as I try to put it, is not all about clothes and what I wear so you'll see more travel visuals once again. But I'm also a bit taken aback, financial-wise, realising that my I've committed to several travel plans spread out this year but without a clue as to where I'd get funds from. I'm scratching my head silly but well, I guess I'll figure that out as we go along. I'm not used to not having any solid plans and financial stability so I guess this is called YOLO? Haha. Yes. Whatever. YOLO.
Anyways, tickets are booked and as I type, am currently speaking to a potential AirBnb host to secure a place to stay at for our upcoming trip. Tell you more once all's confirmed but for now, take a clue from these images as to where we're headed.
[Top : Bershka][Joggers : Stradivarius][Sunnies : Sunnies Studios][Earrings : Forever 21][ Sneakers : CDG Play x Converse][Bag : Stylenanda]
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