On the side streets of San Francisco

Hi hunneys! Quick check-in just to let ya'll know that I have't forgotten about this little corner of cyberspace from Fremont, California where I currently am. If you've been trailing this blog recently, then yes, here is the long-awaited travel reveal - the U.S. of A.
I'm struggling to stay awake as I type because I'm still jet-lagged while adjusting to the Northern California time zone. Looking at it from Macau time, I haven't slept straight for about 48 hours since we arrived, and with that comes many other issues that I'm going through right now - my skin's breaking out, stomach's feeling bloated, and worst of all, my nose allergies are in full blast. I'm struggling but hella not complaining. Though a little chilly, it's beautiful out here. Plus I'm on an extended vacation so really, what's there to complain about.
Today was our official first day and we went to San Francisco to do a bit of sightseeing, you know, the usual tourists spots. So far, we managed to roam around Union Square and walk all the way to Lombard Street through Chinatown without getting lost thanks to GPS. If you know me, I don't drive and neither does Penguin so we made our way on foot. A little tiring I should say but if there's one thing I learned with all the travelling we've both done, is that exploring on foot is always worth doing when in a different city because you never know what little corner or street you might encounter that you will have missed when you're in a car like this spot where these photos were taken.
Penguin and I went past this lot beside the San Francisco Public Library in Chinatown on our way to Lombard and this bright yellow coloured wall called out to me. Add the sun-rays peeping through the leaves of the nearby tree making for perfect lighting and we have ourselves the perfect OOTD photo backdrop. I did not put too much effort into this outfit hence it's looking like my go-to uniform. It's still chilly AF out here whereas I thought I'd be able to walk around in short skirts sans stockings. But I guess I was taken by surprise so I really didn't know what I wanted to wear today. Anyway.

I want to write more and spill all the details on today's shenanigans but my eyelids are already dropping from tiredness. Guess I'll just have to do that in another post and include in supporting visuals. For now, I really must go and catch up on some sleep. Promise, more content are coming up soon from last weekend's festivities with DFS x Bally, and my photoshoot for 5Preview. I mentioned these in my previous post so read that here if you're a little lost.
For now, goodnight from this side of the world!
Photos by Pierre Elma
[Jacket : Stussy Japan][Sneakers : Nike][Bag : Supreme][Trousers : Zara][Sunnies : Sunnies Studios][Tee : H&M]
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