That Pink Paul Smith Wall on Melrose

I know you've probably seen this a lot in Instagram and/or other social media but I mean, come on, did you really go to LA if you don't have a photo with the Pink Paul Smith wall on Melrose? It's just mandatory. So here's my take and proof that hey, we were there! For real.
Now I did not plan this outfit initially because I'd only bought these trousers in San Francisco (which, speaking of, I will be doing a haul of things that I got here in the states on the Youtube channel vey soon so stay tuned) a few days before but I thought they go perfectly with the pale pink Anti Social Social Club tee that I brought with me so I decided to do an all pink look and just really blend in with that famous pink wall. It's also comfy yet edgy enough for me to stroll around the hipster Melrose + Fairfax district.
I love that the cloudless blue skies were also visible in these photos, it compliments the wall and really just create a very summertime vibe. The weather in LA is so perfect, the kind of where you can choose to layer thin pieces of clothing or wear a jacket without sweating, or bare skin by all means without freezing your ass off at any time of the day. It does get a bit chillier at night but manageable all the same. Most of the days, I just wore a T-shirt or a sleeveless top covered by a denim jacket and I never once complained about how the weather affected my outfit choices. If we just had that kind of weather in Macau, I'd be the happiest person ever. But you know, it's always an option to move to LA. Non? Hmmm... we'll see.

Anyhow, I hate to say this but the long break is over and am about to head back to the reality of being a responsible adult. I honestly don't know what's my next step yet but you know, life will move and I'll just figure it out along the way. That's kind of my thing now, I guess. Hello, who are you and what have you done to Carla, right? But whatever. There's really no point thinking too much about so just go with the flow.
Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
Photos by Pierre Elma
[Tee : Anti Social Social Club][Trousers : Thrifted, Buffalo Exchange][Sneakers : Nike][Bag : Supreme][Sunnies : FF Studio]
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