H&M Studio FW18 Collection Preview | VLOG

It's that time of the year again when just before H&M releases its Fall/Winter Season Studio Collection store-wide, we get the privilege of seeing the pieces first hand. I always love going to the preview and have a sneak peak of what will be in stores the coming season, try them out, pick out favourites and pieces that might intrigue me into buying. It's also always a fun little reunion between the tiny fashion community that we, somehow, have in Macau; catching up with familiar faces, talking about trends and whatnot - it's really always just a pleasant experience.
The collection is nothing short of pleasant. I particularly like the vibe that H&M Studio has going on - it's all very retro, 50s-esque, inspired by Twin Peaks, neon lights and diners, with most of the pieces being gender-neutral. There's versatility to the pieces that makes them potentially becoming classic wardrobe staples. My personal favourite from the collection has to be the straight-cut jeans and black leather biker jacket as they can easily be mixed and matched with pieces from my own wardrobe and prove to be timeless pieces.
There's a few other noteworthy pieces and if you'd like to see them, go on an watch the video below where I vlogged all about the experience.
The collection will be in H&M Causeway Bay and H&M TST in Hong Kong on September 6, 2018 for all my interested hunneys. Check 'em out!
This is an outstanding article