Outfits Lately + DIY Summer Tops
I'm not as keen on dressing up during the Summer as I am on cooler seasons for several reason. Firstly, I don't favour investing in Summer clothes which are usually made out of thin materials that would tear apart a couple of washes later. They're not worth my dollar. Likewise, Summer trends don't last very long; what is in this year is out next and personally whereas Fall trends i.e. Jackets are more versatile and you can get away wearing it for several seasons. But perhaps that's just my biased opinion because my style tend to involve layers. Let's be honest, how many layers of clothing can I really pile up in Macau's hot and humid weather? If you're from around here, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's disgusting.
But that's not saying I'm not making any effort at all. In fact, I've taken it upon myself to find alternative ways in which I'd be able to dress up weather appropriately without breaking the bank of shopping for Summer wardrobe staples - queue in DIY. If you're an OG reader, you'd know that sometime ago when this blog had just started, I'm all about getting creative and crafty with my clothes.
Anyway, last week I dug out some pieces from the back of my closet that had transformation potential - mostly oversize tees, and immediately started work on them. Nothing too complicated, just some basic snipping and sewing. The results came in unexpectedly pretty (the striped top worn above, camo top below, and the pink cropped tee on the last photo). I just had to wear them out as soon as I could where the weather allowed.

The other tops I'm wearing in this set aren't DIYed per se, but I had to include these outfits to give you an idea of what my Summer uniform looks like - tiny tops, and any tummy-flaterring high-waisted bottoms. Not a lot of people realise this but high-waisted bottoms that are generally wider or loose on the hip part is universally flattering. These kinds of bottoms are my go-to whenever I want to wear cropped tops as they make my waist appear tinier than they actually are. Capiche?

Now I know most of these tops I'm wearing here are neither available online nor the local stores we have in Macau but I went and searched similar ones for your reference if you'd like to sort of steal the look. Presented from top to bottom, left to right:
Striped Cropped Top
Camo Cropped Top
Gingham Ribbed Top
Pink Cropped Tee
Blue Race Cropped Top
I've also been toying on the idea of doing some DIY posts showing ya'll how I did some of the tops I'm wearing here. But I'm not making any promises. You'll have to stay tuned to find out.
In the meantime, I'll end this entry here. Hope ya'll are having a better Summer than I am here!
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