Graffiti Jungle | Chalerm La Park

I could not be happier to find this really really sick place in Bangkok which is surprisingly quite deserted. It's not entirely a secret as I think a lot of people know about it but just kind of forget it does exist. I found it looking through photos with #bangkok on Instagram and just had to see what it's all about. You well know if you're an OG reader of this blog that I have this huge fascination for street art, particularly murals and graffitis! So imagine me seeing this place for the very first time and having it nearly all to myself save for a group of three taking graduation photos and a couple doing what seemed like an outfit shoot. Seeing them made me glad actually, despite being on my own, because I did not, for the first time shooting solo, did not feel like a complete idiot posing in front of my tripod and camera to take #selfies. The place is called Chalerma La Park, by the way.
I took lots of photos if you can't tell - this is by far the most photos I have ever produced since coming here and shooting self-portraits. I felt more confident afterwards and inspired to hunt fore more similar locations for photo ops.
Outfit-wise, you've all seen these pieces I'm wearing in various combos in this blog before so nothing new aside from the bucket hat and retro-esque sunglasses that I bought off one of the local night markets. The hat is my colour so just had to get it. I'm kind of living with a capsule wardrobe right now due to various reasons that will require a separate post for discussion so let's leave it at that. To be fair, I think nobody really ever pays attention if one repeats pieces so why bother keeping track right?
Anyway, really just excite to share these photos, that's all. Talk soon!
Photos by yours truly
[Overalls : Dr. Denim][Tee : Cheap Monday][Hat and Sunglasses : Rot Fai Night Market][Sneakers : Vans]
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