Street Fashion or Safari Adventure?

I think trying to stay healthy in general is doing me so much good. Not only do I feel lighter these days, I'm more motivated to move around and inspired to create content again. Not gunna lie, I lost it there for a minute since moving here and being away from Penguin who's my partner in everything, yes, including creating content. He's an extension of my brain and I should say we give each other the boost that we need.
I' m slowly getting back into it, beginning with taking more outfit photos solo. I've done it before so I convince myself that I can do it again. Forget about the people thinking I'm a fool whenever I pose in front of my tripod in public (ok, not that easy but I'm training myself to think that they don't know me and after two seconds, they don't give a F of what I'm doing, kay?).
Anyway, this week's been pretty good so far, content creation wise. I managed to shoot decent outfit photos which you're about to see on IG and in upcoming posts. I'm also in the process of doing an outfits of the week video which, pray if successful, will be a continuous thing on my youtube channel.

This look is out of those outfits that will be featured on the video. It's something that I quickly put together in an attempt to look like my old self with the streetstyle thing going on by way of these pants. Do I look street fashun again or someone who's going on a safari adventure? You decide. But for the record, I love this look, kay?
These pants, I got from Chatuchak weekend market on my first week here. It was my introduction to Thai clothing sizes which I call impossible to wear . I honestly thought I'd never be able to wear these properly because when I first wore them, I could barely close the zipper and my crotch was just... let's jut say it's giving away everything I got going on down there. But lo and behold, three weeks of trying to get through the #fitgirlchallenge (I say try because I'm honestly never able to finish one challenge in the many times I tried but you know what, it's all about #progressnotperfection and trying is so much better than not doing anything at all), these pants fit me better than ever. Like, hello, no camel-toe with it zipped all the way up. Not bragging or anything, I'm just genuinely happy that I did see progress even if it's barely visible to the rest of the world and I just hope I can continue on. Healthy 2019? Let' do it!
Anyway, that's pretty much all for today. Will be back with more looks to share!
Photos by Yours Truly
[Top : Amazon][Trousers and Hat: Chatuchak Weekend Market][Sneakers : Vans][Bag : Off-White]
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