October in Review

(Click on the images to see the full outfit post!)

It's the end of another month, how time flies! It seemed as if I was only working a style round-up post recently, and then here's the next one. Oh, but before I forget, happy halloween to those who are celebrating! I'm skipping halloween this year to do more mature things (read: boring) like working on a school work instead of partying. It's the rational thing to do, and since I will be going away for the whole next week, I've no choice but to work on as much project as I can, seeing as I'll be missing all my classes then... hmm... the sacrifices that we do for the people we care about.
Coming onto this note, I might as well let you know what it is all about. Well, first off, I'm headed to Manila with, as mentioned before, Penguin's siblings and cousins. It was planned, originally, to accompany his sister, to purchase materials and anything necessary, as she's preparing for her upcoming debut (a tradition in Philippines wherein when a girl turns 18, a celebration is at hand, called a debut, to celebrate her coming of age and to present her to the public as a lady --- the modern version is somewhat comparable to the American's sweet 16, although really, some of us don't see the point anymore except that it's an opportunity to throw a humongous party, approved and financed by parents ... off the point... sorry, I'm babbling). Being the event student that I am, all-heartedly absorbed inthe idea of coordinating a special themed event, with the help of Penguin and his technical skills, and our combined attention to details, we volunteered to carry out the task. I didn't think their dad would approve of our ideas and that we'd actually fly all the way to Manila, where there are more options and cheaper resources, to find what we need. But fast forward to now, tickets ready, and we're bound to go. Well, since the opportunity is already up, his brother and cousins decided to come along for the ride, for the fun of it. So that's how it is.
Anywayyyyy, how did October treat you? It's been a busy month for me, school-wise. But I'm looking for November to be positive, and since travelling seems to be a perfect start, I hav e my hopes up. Besides, November is my month! I'm turning 22 in a few days, gahhh.. Can't believe it. Sometimes, I still feel I'm 18 and act like one, so I guess age really is just a number. For me at least =)


  1. Love all your outfits and surprisingly in the Hindu tradition we celebrate our 21st bday as our key bday =) So, Happy early bday wishes to her and have fun Carla =)

    PS. Happy Halloween!

    1. Thanks so much Rija! =) Happy Halloween to you!

  2. You've had such a chic October!
    But then you are chic every month!
    My favourite outfit of yours is either,
    "funky pants" or "90s preppy girl".

    I wish I'd had a debut :(
    but alas although I am a mistisa,
    I am British,
    where the tradition is getting drunk!

    Have a fabulous time in Manila (^_^) x


    1. P.S. I just joined Bloglovin so now following you on there ;)

  3. I love all these looks!! :)


  4. Always perfect! :)

    New post on my blog!


  5. Great outfits! So colourful :)

  6. October's not my month. I'm having a pimple outbreak. I know it's so superficial but whoever's happy with having one. Gosh. It all started when I biked and run even more. The sun's so rough with my skin. I'm crying for help now.

    Lovely outfits, btw. And I wish I can meet you in Manila. Have a safe trip!

  7. you have a high taste 0f fashion!:) i love all these looks!:)
    happy hallowen, anyway:)


  8. you look great:)
    I invite you to me:http://sennierealny.blogspot.com/

  9. i love this kind of post that you have :)
    a style round up :)


    BLOG | Instagram | Polyvore | bloglovin'

  10. great post! :) i love your style<3! :)

    fashionsituation.blogspot.com <3

  11. October was okay but November is better because it's my birth month. All of your October looks were beautiful.



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